Thursday, 14 January 2016

Sound Research- Credit to Josh Coe

Below is the research that Josh Coe did for sound:


One of the areas I took charge to research was sound; to understand the sound throughout a film noir, I first looked at the actual soundtracks that feature throughout the films. I used a website which contained dozens of Film Noir soundtracks, and gave the general genre. From this, I was able to listen to the composure of the soundtracks, and their general sound to give me some sort of idea of what we need to create for our final piece.

The website I used was:

After looking on this website, I can see that the genre's of Film Noir soundtracks are 'jazz' and 'electronic'. We will need to create something similar to this for our final piece, or find some music that is copyright free that we are able to use.

1 comment:

  1. you need to enrich the posts - add images and visuals to earn better marks so here you need to add sample clips - use and audio sharing software such as sound cloud to do so - then we can hear a range of the sounds you are referencing - it i not enough for a good grade to just send us to a site
