Saturday, 7 November 2015

Continuity Task: Initial Planning

As a class, we were given the challenge to reinvent/modernise a fairy tale, but it had to meet the Film Noir conventions in some way.
The full instructions and deadlines are shown below:

As a group of 5, Niamh Gallagher, Heather McDonald, Josh Coe (who was on holiday for the entire task), Jack Grimshaw and I decided to reinvent the story-line and modernise the fairy tale Cinderella, this was done by changing the 'fairy god mother' to a pill and instead of the prince hosting a Ball we used a house party. Also, rather than Cinderella losing her glass shoe, we decided that she would lose her phone for the Prince to find and to suit the cast members, we used an evil step dad rather than the evil step mother. The ending is quite conventional for Film Noirs, the 'evil step dad' shoots the prince as he wanted to marry Cinderella rather than the 'ugly step sister'; this is unconventional to fairy tales as they have happy endings.

We decided to link each character to a Film Noir character.
The prince was the 'Everyman' who was played by myself, Matthew Levesley.
We tried to portray the 'Ugly Step-sister' as the Femme Fatal, this character was played by Heather McDonald.
Cinderella was supposed to be the 'Girl Next Door', Niamh Gallagher presented this character.
The Evil Step-dad was the Villain of the story, he was played by Jack Grimshaw.

For the still photos, an iPhone 6 was used and imported onto a Mac. For the short film, a camera with a tripod was used as well as an iPhone. It was the job of whoever was not in the scene to operate the camera so we all had time to use the cameras and gain experience.

For the still photos, Niamh edited them mostly with filters using Photoshop. Also, for the final film Niamh began the editing process on iMovie, then me and Jack took control as we have the most experience from GCSE Media; we are using this opportunity to improve Niamh and Heather's iMovie ability and also hopefully our own.

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